
about the pi

Dr. Dong Wang obtained his B.S. at Peking University and Ph.D. with Dr. Stephen Lippard at MIT. His role in Lippard group was to investigate the effect of nucleosome structure and epigenetic status change on DNA repair of platinum DNA damage. Dr. Wang then joined Dr. Roger Kornberg’s group at Stanford University as a postdoc fellow. His postdoc research focused on understanding the molecular mechanism of Pol II transcription elongation and fidelity. 

About the Wang group

Our research focuses on the functional interplays between two fundamental processes: transcription and DNA damage repair. We take a multidisciplinary approach, combining structural and computational biology (CryoEM, X-ray, Alphafold prediction, and molecular dynamics simulation), chemical biology, biochemical, genetic and genomic methods, to study key protein complexes involved in transcription and DNA repair pathways. Understanding how cells process DNA lesions will help us to decipher the mechanisms of drug action and resistance and pave the way for rational improvement of novel anticancer drugs.

Another focus in our group is to elucidate the molecular basis of transcription recognition of unnatural base pairs. These studies will provide valuable information for developing the next generation of unnatural base pairs (for expanded genetic alphabets that act orthogonally with natural base pairs in replication, transcription, and translation processes for synthetic life).

Contact Us

Dong Wang, Ph.D.

ProfessorUniversity of California, San DiegoSkaggs School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences9500 Gilman Drive, PSB 2266, MC 0625La Jolla, CA 92093-0625Email: dongwang@ucsd.eduPhone: (858) 822-5561Fax: (858) 822-1953

The Wang Group

University of California, San DiegoSkaggs School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences9500 Gilman Drive, PSB 2171, MC 0751La Jolla, CA 92093-0751Phone: (858) 822-0110

Administrative Support

Ann LischerPhone: (858) 822-7752Fax: (858) 822-6857Email: alischer@ucsd.edu